5 males 1 female Pedigree puppy's
Have a look at our 2004 litter with Joli Mapa Yumaeskymo x Mia-Tuk of the Morning Valley
Would you like to see our Amiq as a puppy in our 2003 nest? Click her for a look at them
HD B1 Eyes Clear
HD A1 Eyes Clear
A Malamute is your best friend for life not just for X-mas!
So Akima-Gayuk Alaskan Malamutes test their puppies at 7 weeks on caracter and temperament to make sure the puppy and it's new owner(s) fit toghether for life!
Hanneke-Cysouw-Reitsema, our puppy-tester, runned dogschool Echo from 1992-2003, is a dogbehaviour therapist and a Malamute and Icelanddog-owner.
Hanneke also is the artist who made the puppy-logo and many more drawings and paintings: go see!